Mont Marte oil pastels 24 colors ~ МонтМарт тосон харандаа, 24 өнгө
11,900 ₮
- Монт Март брэндийн зөөлөн тосон харандаа.
- 24 өнгийн сайн чанарын будаг.
- Хорт нөлөөгүй.
- Mont Marte Oil Pastels are rich colored drawing materials, which have a soft buttery texture. They are excellent for color blending and can be used on a wide variety of toned and textured surfaces.
- Oil pastels are great for making interesting designs and patterns by scratching into built up layers with a sharp tool, a technique called 'sgraffito'. They can be tinted with oil mediums or turps to create glazes.
- 24 High Quality Pigments.
- Non-toxic.